Memes: The Mind-Viruses of Cultural Change
originally published 1 August 2013
If you recognise the style of this image and phrase, you’ve been infected by a meme-virus!
‘Meme’ is a term coined by English biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene. He defined ‘memes’ as self-replicating ideas or cultural DNA — beliefs and actions that infect human consciousness, and are transmitted from mind to mind.
Dawkins sought to show that just as genes are the biological code carriers of DNA which carry our physical selves for replication, memes are the equivalent in terms of transmitting culture.
There is now an established body of science around memes, called memetics:
Meme: an information pattern, held in an individual’s memory, which is capable of being copied to another individual’s memory.
Memetics: the theoretical and empirical science that studies the replication, spread and evolution of memes
To create some context around this abstract concept, here are some examples:
‘Computer Says No’ — this deadpan phrase from the TV series Little Britain became a meme for people who are frustrated when confronted with the indifference of electronic technology and the power it has over our lives.
‘Not Happy Jan!’ — a classic ad campaign for the Australian Yellow Pages in 2006, this meme is still used today to express displeasure.
‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ — a motivational poster produced in 1939 at the start of the Second World War by the British government, it was intended to raise public morale following anticipated attacks on major cities.
The Nigerian dude who keeps telling you he has a large sum of money he needs moved, and can give you a tidy commission if only you can provide him with your bank details.
The seemingly endless list of movie catchphrases from ‘Bond, James Bond’, to ‘Say hello to my little friend’, to ‘He’s not the Messiah! He’s a very naughty boy!’, to ‘We’re going to need a bigger boat’.
All memes.
But memes are not just catchphrases and advertising slogans. There are now a slew of meme-making websites where people can create memes for online sharing, using their own images and phrases, using images that have already become memes, or a mashup of both.
Anyone can make internet memes, which both democratises the possibility of creating one, and also explains the variety in design quality, spelling, grammar and attempts at humour.
But memes aren’t just funny, cute or shocking content shared on social media and the internet, and they aren’t the preserve of the entertainment and advertising industry.
Memes are also social norms, habits, songs/ melodies, stories, skills, art, gestures, fashion trends — any type of information pattern that can be transmitted from one person to another.
The spread of Nazism and Christianity are also examples of memes at work, as is any other -ism (Marxism, Taoisim, Feminism). The Mexican Wave. The Sign of the Horns. The Yin-Yang symbol.
Someone, somewhere, started all of them — one person. And they spread, and stuck.
Memes and Sustainability
What about sustainability memes?
A well-known ‘green’ meme is the Mobius loop, which will be recognised by most people as the universal symbol that something is recyclable.
How can the success of this, and other memes, be identified and harnessed for other sustainability-related initiatives?
On his blog at Terra Infirma, sustainability expert Gareth Kane examines the meme-phenomenon of Movember and offers up some reasons why it has succeeded — fun, novelty, peer pressure, relevance and great branding — and why most sustainability initiatives do not:
In comparison, most sustainability engagement programmes are, at best, like one of those multitudinous nude charity calendars — hackneyed, clichéd and unoriginal. They’re produced with the best of intentions, but the world yawns.
If you want to get a sustainability meme running in your organisation, you could do worse than use Movember as a yardstick.
San Francisco consultancy DarwinSF is undertaking some work on how memetics can be applied to climate science, with partner Joe Brewer — who has a background in cognitive linguistics (how language relates to conceptualisation) — noting:
Global warming is a meme. No-one experiences it directly. They experience it through perception. The science is pointing out a very real empirical phenomenon, but the only way people can experience it as stories and ideas in their lives.
Secrets of Meme Success
What is it about memes that makes them travel across space and time, infecting minds across language barriers?
The transmission power of ‘Not Happy, Jan’ is such that the comments on the YouTube vid for the ad include one from someone unaware of the origins of the phrase: ‘…so thaaaaaat’s where it came from!’ and: ‘Indelibly etched into the minds of many Australians.’
Another commenter asks:
How did this ad become so legendary? People are STILL saying the famous ‘Not happy Jan!’ all the time!
Good question!
Memetics is far from an exact science, and although the internet is full of advice on ‘how to create a viral video/campaign’ and the like, if there was a formula to it, it would be being used by everyone.
To some extent it can be designed, but even good design is no guarantee, and much of it is pure luck.
Here are some good rules of thumb:
- make it short — there’s increasing amount of everything out there competing for the same allocation of time and attention
- keep it simple — the more complex it is, the more work the brain has to do to process the unfamiliar
- make the message matter — who does your audience take cues from?
- be unpredictable — the brilliant artist, street philosopher, communicator, inventor and author David Engwicht of Creative Communities cites uncertainty, intrigue and humour as the key elements to similarly jolt people out of complacency in relation to urban design and transport planning
- make it memorable by using metaphor, repetition
- create an emotional impact — for sustainability, sticking mostly with positive (humour, awe) rather than negative (shocking, disgusting) triggers
- make it shareable content — people share things with others because they want them to have the same experience
- design an experience — take the audience on a journey, tell them a story
Think about what you share, online or offline — why? This will give you some insights into how to approach your change work.
If you want your ideas or behaviours to ignite and to spread, consider how you can meme all the things!