night, moon behind clouds, storm, high cliffs, rocks and a roiling sea at the base

MAGE | Chapter 54: Bunda Cliffs, Nullarbor Plain, Remote South Australia

Sharon Ede
10 min readAug 25, 2023

Sharon Ede © 2023 all rights reserved

LISTEN to the free audio format of my award-winning novel here:

THE SECOND AMBRA rematerialised she knew she’d made two critical errors.

One was that she was not in Adelaide, but somewhere very remote.

Thunderous metal-grey clouds from an approaching storm and a hot northerly wind swept along a wild coastline of sheer cliffs that were a short distance away. Beyond, she could hear a boiling ocean crashing onto rocks at the base of the cliffs.

The second, and more frightening realisation, was that the sun had completely set, leaving only faint light on the horizon.

It hit her like an iron bar. She had not accounted for the change in time zone. The ‘night’ in Norway was the polar night — the Arctic winter ‘day’ — and she’d set the map to a location in a time zone nine and a half hours ahead, where it was night.



Sharon Ede

Regenerative Cities Activist | Circular Economy Catalyst | South Australian Government | Award Winning Author | |